Total Immersion

Another absolutely stunning exhibition is currently on show at Pierre-François Ouellette Art Contemporain. Make sure you check out the exhibition of recent works by Luc Courchesne


Mounted on the gallery walls is a series of circular video screens sunk into white disks, resembling pale blue, magic eyes. The videos show a fish-eye lense view of a variety of beaches, with foamy waves lazily washing across the screen with hypnotic repetition. The room is filled with the sensuous sounds of the sea lapping at a beach, and you get a sense of being totally immersed in the art. Courchese’s work is both subtle and absorbing, and simply sublime.
Also, make sure you check out the two large projections in the back room, featuring a video piece which was created in collaboration with choreographer Marie Chiounard.

Pierre-François Ouellette Art Contemporain
space 216
Luc Courchesne
Recent Works
exhibition period: January 17 – March 7, 2009

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