Ode to the Awkward Teenager

Currently at Les Territoires runs the video installation Genre: Ado by Nicole Benoit.


In the projection room three walls are covered with large video screens showing a row of white folding chairs, a row of the identical chairs is set up in front of the projection, making you feel like part of the video as you take your seat. The series of short films shows a group of bored teenagers with nothing to do. They are given a few simple parameters: sit down and don’t say anything, a task they master to varying degrees. Feet jiggle, there are yawns, rolling of eyes, and giggling. Amusedly, you observe the group dynamic between a boy, a girl, and an iPod, and a group of three girls and a boy who all discover they have long hair. Oscillating between being patently uneasy in front of the camera and being just uneasy with each other, this movie’s “non-actors” are a delight to watch. Feel your inner adolescent awaken – if you dare!

Les Territoires
space 527
Nicole Benoit
Genre: Ado
exhibition period: December 6 – 20, 2008

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