Hot Stuff

Still going at Circa is the exhibition 1200° circa featuring ceramic works by Gilles Mihalcean, Monique Giard, Yves Louis-Seize, Linda Covit, and Stephen Schofield.

Yves Louis-Seize

The installations of all five artists harmonize well with each other – each artist employs a subtle colour palette of neutrals and whites with a smattering of deep browns and blacks, many works are matte or unglazed, and most have a strong organic feel. I found all of the artists’ work engaging, though my favourite was Louis-Seize’s piece D’improbables rencontres. Laid out on two steel slabs under glaring neon lights are a collection of ceramic sculptures, some soft-cornered porcelain boxes, and some organic shapes strongly reminiscent of sea cucumbers. The installation reminds me a bit of a scientist’s workbench, waiting for the man in the white lab-coat to inspect the specimen on display.
Make sure that you visit the small ante-room before you leave, where Circa project a slide-show of 20 years of their exhibitions, featuring 314 artists. You can really pick up on the underlying aesthetic of the gallery here; most of the works shown are sculptures and installations, and all have an undeniable elegance.

Centre d’exposition Circa
space 444
Gilles Mihalcean, Monique Giard, Yves Louis-Seize, Linda Covit, and Stephen Schofield
1200° circa
exhibition period: September 13 – October 11, 2008

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