Measuring Time and Space

Take a magic carpet ride with Montreal artist François Morelli at Galerie Joyce Yahouda.


Morelli created two site specific installations for this exhibition: an eclectic, colourful installation titled Tapis volant, and a series of wire sculptures called À la file indienne. Between the two the Tapis is my favourite. Morelli buckled together hundreds of colourful belts into long strips which he then interwove to create a grid-like “carpet”. The belts lie well behaved and orderly on the floor but then start to crawl their way into some wire garden chairs, and like jungle vines snake to the ceiling where they curl up forming Mad Max-style heads. On the walls the belts transform into a series of drawings which the artist will continue to work on over the weeks to come.
Morelli’s work dove-tales with the sculptures of Richard Serra and Naum Gabo; his grid-like sculptures slice into space creating segments of thin air: dividing, measuring, defining the void. This structures straddle the architectural and the organic, often flowing from one into the other within one sculpture.
If you enjoyed his work at Joyce Yahouda, you’ll be glad to know there’s more where that came from: there is a satellite exhibition of Morelli’s work in the Aldred Building, 85, Notre-Dame Ouest, Suite 2 200, Montreal, titled Survol inédit. Also, mark your calendars for September 28, 2008, the Journés de la culture – Morelli will be at the Joyce Yahouda Gallery to give a guided tour of his work at part of this event.

Galerie Joyce Yahouda
space 516
François Morelli
A mesure of one’s dreams
exhibition period: September 11 – November 1, 2008

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