Dark Reflections

Currently the Galerie Trois Points presents George Vergette‘s exhibition titled Everything is Fine.

note: visible in this image are the reflections of two of Vergette’s works and your truly

Vergette’s large-format mixed media works are steeped in deeply coloured hues, subtle bordering on minimal, and very, very glossy. The shiny, black surface of these paintings acts like a mirror; reflections of the paintings on the opposite wall and fellow gallery visitors appear to float in Vergette’s black and blue expanses. I’m not sure if this is what the artist intended, but it works for me. It makes the paintings change with their environment and the viewer becomes part of the image. Most of the works on display are inky black, but my favourite is the one blue painting titled Blue Perspective #1 which reminds me of the phosphorescent seas of the Mediterranean. The dark, brooding picture plane is interrupted by lettering penned with a fleeting hand – the simple word “FLEE” floats on the blue surface like sea foam. Vergette’s aim was to create tension, his title “Everything is Fine” is meant to as an ironic statement. Intellectually I understand the message, but emotionally I find his works too beautiful to create the intended sense of dread.

Galerie Trois Points
space 520
George Vergette
Everything is Fine
exhibition period: September 6 – October 11, 2008

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