Latin Grooves, New York Poetry

This is the last chance for you to see the exhibition Kaleidoscope Latin at the Visual Voice Art Gallery, featuring the works by Mariana Escribano and Maria Idilia Martins.


The Visual Voice Gallery is hosting a “Finissage”, a closing party, to bid farewell to their two Latin American artists on Friday, July 25, 2008 from 5pm – 7pm. A special guest for the evening will be New York poet Allan Andre, who will install his “Instant Poetry” table and (for a small donation) will write poems for you while you wait. As you come down the corridors of the Belgo’s fourth floor, just follow the sounds of Samba music and the clacking of an old typewriter.

Visual Voice Art Gallery
space 421
Mariana Escribano, Maria Idilia Martins
Kaleidoscope Latin
Exhibition period: July 3 – 26, 2008
Finissage: July 25, 2008, 5pm – 7pm

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