Moving Stills

Make sure you stop by Pierre-François Ouellette Art Contemporain to see the exhibition Reflections by Adad Hannah.


On display are both traditional photographs and the absolutely stunning series of Stills, which as first glance appear to be simply light-boxes but on closer observation reveal that they are in fact videos. Hannah sets up a video shot but asks the actors to remain perfectly still, creating a movie without movement. However, slight changes are perceptible: the trembling of a hand, a minimal swaying of the body, the blinking of an eye. It’s hypnotizing. I also enjoyed the photographic works where he poses two men with a hand-mirror in front of major works of art in the Prado. These images invert the viewer’s gaze, as well as blurring the line between the artwork, the model, and the spectator.
This exhibition is a must-see.

Pierre-François Ouellette Art Contemporain
space 216
Adad Hannah
exhibition period: May 17 – July 5, 2008

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